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Jewish Community Day School’s inspiring approach to learning is interdisciplinary and thematic. The JCDS curriculum intentionally applies methodology, language, and skills development to examine a set of central themes. Student learning is connected through Essential Questions and Big Ideas, and these questions and ideas become increasingly sophisticated as children develop. Themes span and interlace the academic disciplines, giving context to grade-appropriate skills and concepts and ensuring learning that endures. Student learning is constantly assessed both informally and formally. Each spring, students in grades two to six participate in standardized testing.​
JCDS students are critical thinkers who become proficient in research and analysis, communication in two languages across all media, collaboration with others, and creative expression. A JCDS education ensures our graduates have the confidence, tools, strategies, knowledge, experiences, and foundation to succeed in middle school and beyond, well-prepared to thrive in the 21st Century.
Thematic, Interdisciplinary Design Learning
Multi-Age Classrooms
All Day School classes are comprised of two blended grades. With curriculum organized in a two-year cycle, JCDS teachers get to know each child individually and well. Faculty meet students where they are and challenge them to excel along their own continuum.
Multi-age classrooms allow teachers to create flexible student groups according to interests, current abilities, and learning styles. Research has confirmed that in their roles as mentors and mentees, students take enhanced responsibility for their own learning, leading to greater achievement. They learn to more effectively communicate and collaborate as they think creatively to build on each other’s ideas. Children form friendships in their own grade as well as in the grades above and below. In this way, JCDS students truly become a caring community of learners.